Inner — In ner ([i^]n n[ e]r), a. [AS. innera, a compar. fr. inne within, fr. in in. See {In}.] 1. Further in; interior; internal; not outward; as, an inner chamber. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to the spirit or its phenomena. [1913 Webster] This… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inner — inner, inward, inside, interior, internal, intestine are comparable when they mean being or placed within something. Although in many cases interchangeable, they are more or less restricted in their applications and therefore clearly… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
inner — (adj.) c.1400, from O.E. inra, comp. of inne (adv.) inside (see IN (Cf. in)). Cf. O.H.G. innaro, Ger. inner. An unusual evolution for a comparative, it has not been used with than since Middle English. Inner tube in the pneumatic tire sense is… … Etymology dictionary
inner — [in′ər] adj. [ME < OE innerra, compar. of inne, within, IN1] 1. located farther within; interior; internal [inner organs] 2. of the mind or spirit [inner peace] 3. more intimate, central, or secret [inner emotions] … English World dictionary
inner — Adj std. (8. Jh.), mhd. inner, ahd. innaro, inner Stammwort. Adjektivbildung zu in. deutsch s. in … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
inner — ► ADJECTIVE 1) situated inside; close to the centre. 2) mental or spiritual: inner strength. 3) private; not expressed. ► NOUN ▪ an inner part … English terms dictionary
inner — [adj1] central, middle physically close, constitutional, essential, familiar, focal, inherent, innermore, inside, interior, internal, intestinal, intimate, intrinsic, inward, nuclear; concepts 826,830 Ant. exterior, external, outer, outside inner … New thesaurus
inner — index central (situated near center), interior, internal, intrinsic (deep down) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
inner — inner:innereStimme:a)⇨Ahnung(1)–b)⇨Gewissen(1) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
inner- — Wir müssen Sie untersuchen. Es kann sein, dass Sie innere Verletzungen haben … Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer